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Offer name | Value | Wall | Completed |
Coinbase | 38,400 | AdGate | |
Coinbase | 4,500 | AdGate | |
On That - Boxer Brief Trial V5 [DE] | 2,724 | Revenue Universe | |
Swagbucks | 12,000 | AdGate |
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Delete AccountOffer name | Value | Wall | Completed |
Coinbase | 38,400 | AdGate | |
Coinbase | 4,500 | AdGate | |
On That - Boxer Brief Trial V5 [DE] | 2,724 | Revenue Universe | |
Swagbucks | 12,000 | AdGate |
im getting pissed of now prime surveys a fucking scam i get charged back everyday whats the point in earning points to get charged back
im getting pissed of now prime surveys a fucking scam i get charged back everyday whats the point in earning points to get charged back
I only do cpx, bltlabs and theoremresearch