I think it really depends on what's available to you and what you want to put in. You can make quite a bit by opening gambling or crypto accounts if you deposit $10-20 or whatever the starting amount is. Kraken is $19 to open on one of the walls.
Problem is with that I don’t have any money to invest and do that so that is why I’m asking how to make 7 dollars quickly where it won’t take me all day
In that case you'd just have to search through and look at what apps you can download, surveys you can do and things like that which would be worth your time. Have you done the RAID offers yet? There's one on ayet paying ~230 total and $130 is definitely doable without a ton of time.
are you in the US? if not I don't think you can make $7 consistently unless you do paid offers
Does anyone know why my rewards aren’t going through? I complete the task and always allow tracking but still no update (even for ones that don’t say the rewards will take time)
there needs to be clear channels of communication to these "walls" but even when it not banned it's almost impossible to talk to them
@GainBOT u got time between "gains" to help bring those two astronauts back? they promised to "gain" as soon as their atrophy of their limbs wears off.
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